Security Token Management System

Maximize ROI & Mitigate Business Risk with Tokenbox - Best Security Token Offering (STO) Platform!!!

Security Token Offering (STO) refers to the process of releasing the tradable securities in a tokenized form to raise capital more securely as well as to ensure a maximum return.

The security token offering platform is such a kind of computerized and automated solution that performs the overall activities.

So, Tokenbox will help you to create a security token offering platform that can raise the fund and provide a guarantee to increase capital.

Why Choose A Complete Package Of STO For End-To-End Fundraising Solution!!!

Rounding Process: Tokenbox can provide a rounding system to release a new token by setting up a clock and fixing a certain amount.
Quick Exchanger: This platform allows investors to withdraw their net balance at any moment by converting the balance into the currencies that you allowed.
Global Accessibility: You can create a global network with investors who are excited to invest their valuable assets to get a maximum return.
Liquidity & Transparency: The overall process is managed through a decentralization network that can ensure enough transparency, and integrated exchange provides the liquidity for trading.
More Legitimacy: This platform can create a digital investment marketplace via exchanging tradable securities and can ensure enough security to regulate the entire process.
Privacy & Security: It provides a two-factor authentication system and can verify all customers as well as protect privacy by storing user’s information securely.
Full Compliance: This platform is incorporated with the programmable regulation as well as all transactions and exchanges are conducted by the smart contract.
Automated Management: The entire process is managed automatically, from the rounding process to token purchasing and converting it into a package for getting ROI.
Programmable Flexibility: You can get programmable flexibility to embed any additional features like dividend payment, vesting, simplify auditing, buybacks, and more.

Who Will Be The Users of Tokenbox?

Financial Companies

Who Will Be The Users of Tokenbox?

Tokenbox is the preeminent security token offering platform. We have developed this STO software considering the following users.